Friday 1 October 2010

Austin's Powers - Dwindling?

Far be it from us to intrude upon private grief, but we couldn't help but notice that former Managing Partner of Halliwells LLP (now collapsed - we are reliably informed this is the single largest LLP failure in British history) Ian Austin is currently under threat of litigation from the former Fixed Share Members of the LLP.

What has been alleged is that Mr Austin and the other Equity Partners were emailing the Fixed Share Members with, shall we say, imaginative interpretations of the state of the LLP's finances in order to persuade them to invest their own money (!!) into the LLP to keep it afloat. One (undisclosed) former partner has claimed that there is documentary evidence to substantiate this claim, which could be acquired via a court order in the event they decide to press ahead with litigation.

So lets get this straight - a man who (allegedly) 'shapes' impressions of the state of the finances in the LLP he is responsible for managing in order to extract investment by his juniors and keep a failing partnership afloat?

At the time of writing, Ian Austin is still listed as the Chair of Audit at the University of Salford and is (by proxy) still a member of University Council (i.e. the Board of Trustees).

Is this really the sort of person Professor Martin Hall wants as being primarily responsible for assessing "risk management" and "financial health" within a public charity?

Actually, perhaps we'd better not try and answer that...

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